As Muslims we are required to be human beings with Islamic personality. Islamic personality is an abstract quality of self that is in accordance with Islamic teachings. Islamic teachings cover aqidah (field of belief), shariah (field of law or rules) and morality (field of good/bad values).Aqidah is a field of teaching that forms the basis for the other two fields. The central point of aqidah and monotheism to Allah is the belief that Allah is the only creator, regulator, maintainer and the Almighty over all that exists (tauhid rububiyah), so that only to Him we worship, serve and rely on ourselves (tauhid uluhiyah).Al-Quran, kalamullah which is the primary source of Islam, the main themes contained in it are guidance towards monotheism to Allah. Much of this guidance is through invitations or orders for us to observe, pay attention to, and reflect on the phenomena of the universe. It is difficult for us (except for the hint at verse 122 of surah at-Tauba) to find in the Quran verses that instruct us to study the science of aqidah, sharia, and akhlaq.From this sense of awe and acknowledgment, it is hoped that a Khasyah (fear with full respect and awe) will grow towards Allah the Creator. A Muslim who has reached the peak of Khassyah is believed to have strong Islamic personality roots.One way to realize these ideals is through the establishment of a school with majors that provide more opportunities for students to learn the law of qauniyat sciences including the laws (read: sunnatullah) that apply to mankind.Since the 1970s, among the Masyayikh Board of the Annuqayah Islamic Boarding School (PPA) there has been a desire to establish a High School (SMA) under the auspices of the National Education Department where there are more facilities available for learning the sciences of Kauniyat. However, due to several reasons and constraints, the desire could not be realized. It was only when the facilities were available and the communitys expectations were getting stronger that in 2002 Annuqayah Putra High School was established with the projection of a major in Natural Sciences (IPA) with the following principles:Motto:Indeed, the only ones who fear Allah among his servants are the scholars. What is meant by scholars in the verse above are people who know the greatness and power of Allah.Aqidah:In fact, everything that exists in this universe, along with all the laws and knowledge that apply to it, comes from/created by Allah, the Most Creator. From this belief in monotheism, in essence in Islam there is no known dichotomy of knowledge into religious knowledge and general knowledge, but everything is from Allah.